Sunday, 22 May 2011

I am runnin' this you are just a dog walker!

I went to town with Bambi yesterday was fun and also good to get out and around again. She calms me down. I bought two sets of rings they're quite cute :) and a high wasted denim skirt from H&M...that I tried on later and was too small so might take it back. man my hips are sooo big. I know it's not a bad thing and it's womanly though. Bought a purse too from Accessorize (that when I showed J he said his nan would buy - As you can imagine not flattered by that statement).

After town I got dropped off my bambi's mum by Js, where we then went to his nans for her birthday. Was nice to meet all the family, they seem chill n welcoming. I'm abit socially awkward though.

Then J and I went to go see pirates of the carribean 4 3D...was really good. Predictable though. I thought the mermaid Syrena - asrtid berges-frisbey had a strange face but beautiful non the less! she has the same skin tone, eyes and hair and my BFF. I googled her just and also found out when she auditioned for the part she also had to do part of it topless!! (as disney wouldn't cast anyone for the part with fake breasts) .

1 comment:

  1. theyre VERY cute rings ^_^
    yes sexy womanly hips, be thankful god damn! lol. i have to walk around with 10 year old boy hips!
    you're not socially awkward wren :P youre perfect and smiley and friendly!

    the mermaids pretty (:
