Saturday 7 May 2011

Can't seem to sleep well lately. Stupid, effed up sleeping pattern!
Went to my bestfriends today we ate, lazed around, listened to music, talked and ofc were wistful together. I do love spending time there. Came home my father was trying to sort out my laptop on the phone, he got put on hold and started shouting at mum. Felt esp. fragile. Like it was going to tip me off the edge. I hate it when my father shouts. I can't think of anything more that I hate. Apart from when he's shouting and it's at mum. I mean she's so nice and harmless like a puppy and she does absolutely everything for him. Oh god. The amount of feelings I have to supress to live in this household. I know mum has it worse because she spends the most time with him..ah Idk I did have to grow up with him.

1 comment:

  1. i know the feeling
    hug. you are so much better than him, he is a messed up man. remember you will get away from there one day, its not forever

    love you

